Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Why the girl scouts suck.. and other things.

So, I've not been online in a while, mainly because my internet at home is frustratingly slow, and because I hate this computer. Due to that, I missed a chance to hang out with Savannah this weekend, and I am pretty bummed. But enough mourning what didn't happen, I'll just get to what actually did take place.

As many of you know, I agreed to lifeguard for the girl scouts last weekend. I went to work at 6:30 am, then after I got home and showered, I drove up to Birdsel Eddie (or some spelling much like that) which is past Tidioute on 62, which is like a 1.5 hour drive for me. I finally arrive, and I call the cell phone number that I was given to call when I arrive, and no one picks up. So I get out of my car and head hesitantly toward the sound of girl-child voices. Luckily for me, there was only one camping spot, so I found the right one quickly. I was promptly informed that they could not use the camp pool because it wasn't properly certified for girl scout use. They could, however use the river. I would like to make a note that this makes noooo sense, because the water level was low and the water was icky and scummy, and if it had been high there would have been a current, and that's not safer than a pool no matter how poorly certified it is. But I watched the girls swim in the river for a while, then I headed to bed because I was tired. (It was 10:30ish at this point) Well, in case any of you didn't know, 12-year-old girls are very noisy. I didn't get to sleep till 2:30, and they woke me again at 5:00, and I couldn't get back to sleep. I got up at 7:00, a very, very grumpy Jamie. I would also like to say that when I was 12, I was nothing like those girls. When I was in girl scouts I wondered why I didn't fit in. Now I know, and I'm glad of it. They were nice enough to me, since I was an "adult" (which was creepy all in itself) but they were NASTY to each other, and they were just terrible bratty bitches. (And they were noisy)

The next day, they were going horse back riding, and there was a pool at the horse ranch. I didn't bother asking if it was properly certified. The girls swam for about 1.5 hours, then they were going to a public pool where they didn't need their own lifeguard, so I got to go home. I was sooooo happy about that. I spent the rest of the weekend doing mosly nothing, I read the 5th Harry Potter book again in preparation for the release of the 6th book.

At work this week, I'm still on days, but I'm in the labor pool now, which means I do whatever needs done around the plant. On Monday, I filled in for a guy who drilled a hole in his finger, on Tuesday I ran a saw and drove the sweeper machine around (think zamboni with brooms and rear wheel drive, well, I don't know how a zamboni steers, but the rear wheel drive threw me off for quite some time) then today I drove the sweeper around again in the morning, then I got sent to Extrusion. Extrusion is where the hot aluminum comes out of a press. It's like a play dough press, kinda. Some people have to grab a hold of it and pull it and stretch it out, but I was just helping load it after it was cut. It wasn't too bad... except I think the Extrusion Department is sitting on some kind of time vortex. Time seemed to stop a couple of times this afternoon. And I didn't get a lunch, all they gave me was somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes to eat a little, then I had to get to work. But at least I got to leave at 3:00 instead of 3:30.

And this is a very long post, so I'm just going to end it now befor I go on. Because I could. I have done other things since I posted last too. But I have to go do more things now anyway.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Today was better.

I got more sleep last night. So woot. Work went smoothly.

I've been playing KOTOR II... It's pissing me off a lot. I have to beat it, just to beat it, then I'm going to write instead of wasting my time with a game. The plot of the game (I like plots in my game) has soo many unfired guns that it's not even funny. *sigh* Is irritating.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Blood, sweat, and tears

Soooo... My day at work. I didn't sleep well or much last night, I blame today mostly on that fact. At the end of work yesterday, I forgot to go production off andrecord how many pieces that I had made. It wasn't a big deal, but I had to get it fixed this morning. Then, while I was doing that, this asshole that I work with named Chris Carr stopped me and told me that the things that I had been working on for the last two days were almost all done incorrectly. Now, Chris Carr is a compulsive liar, I think. And so I didn't even really believe him that much. But I got very upset anyway. I was trying to keep myself from crying over it, I didn't want to let Chris fucking Carr make me cry. I had almost gotten myself back in hand when Rich, the guy who trained me, and who is very nice, came over to see what was wrong, so I had to tell him, and I of course started crying. I felt like a fifteen year old girl whose boyfriend had just called her fat. I kept telling myself to stop being such a pathetic bint and pull myself together, but I just couldn't, I'm not sure why. Then, when I finally had pretty much gotten over it again, the substitute foreman, Lisa, comes over and tells me not to pay attention to such things and that I'm doing a great job. All the while, I'm sitting waiting for an inspector, so I have nothing to do. Then, Charlie, Lisa's boss shows up and tells me pretty much what Lisa did. By this point, I'm assuming that everyone in the entire fucking factory knows all about the incident, and I want to curl up into a tiny ashamed ball. The inspector finally shows up, okays my rail, and I start working. And man, did that suck. I am punching this really heavy, 10 foot long rail and the rate on it is humanly impossible to make. I'm very tired, it was a very long, hot, hard day.

And really, the moral of the story is that I need more sleep.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to post my favorite Werner's quote by my dad... "We don't hug at Werner's." That is all.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


So, I've had a good week. I like my job at Werner's, and I'm going back to the same job again next week. I'm even staying on daylights, which is exciting. And I am making rate! Woot! Go me. My foreman told me that I'm doing an excellent job, and he wants me to work in his section for as long as he can keep me.

Other than work, pretty much all I've done all week is play xbox. I'm addicted to KOTOR II. I don't really think it is as good as the first one in some aspects, though there are definite good things in some of the differences. Like your influence over your companions can shift their alignment closer to yours, and you can train them to be jedi, and if you're ultimate light side you get an attribute bonus. (I have +3 strength, is sweet)

Well, I think I'm going to head upstairs to play some more. heh heh heh. It's the weekend. I got to sleep in till 8 this morning! ^_^

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Factory girl

So, today was a good day, I guess. It was my second day at Werner's. I'm running a brake press. I take pieces of aluminum(I started with 10 ft pieces and have moved down to 7, which is nice) and put them into the machine, then push a button and it puts holes in the aluminum, then I have to load the finished product onto a trolley, but I have to flip every other piece over when I load them because that is the only way that they will stack right. I did this all day. And I despair of ever making rate. And it's really hot there. But like I said, it wasn't bad. I have two fans blowing on my while I work, and everyone there is nice to me. And since I'm busy the days go quickly. Much better than lifeguarding.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

So, Artie is outside chasing a stray kitten...

And he has been for like an hour now. I've caught up on Something Positive, so I figured I would post and then try to go to sleep. I have to be up early to drive home tomorrow. Then I have to get to bed early tomorrow because I have to be at work at 6:30 am. I didn't expect to work days, so I'm kinda happy about that. But it is still painfully early. Then, after work, I'm meeting Suzanne in Franklin for dinner, which I'm looking forward to. Though I am not sure where exactly in Franklin we are meeting. And I really don't know my way around, so hopefully it's somewhere very big and obvious, or else with arrows. I'm good with arrows.

I still don't have sound on my computer, and I'm pretty much giving up hope of ever having sound on it ever again. Artie promised that he would get it fixed, however he's currently occupied with mission kidnap kitten. They are apparently taking the thing to a shelter. Which is good, I guess.

Today was a good day, though I didn't really do much. Artie and I went roller blading, but my right roller blade broke, so I ended up getting a blister on the bottom of my foot from it, and it was way too hot and humid for me to enjoy being outside. Ugh, I hate humidity sooo much.

Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll have happy wonderful dreams about unicorns and rainbows.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Revenge of the Sith Character

So, Artie and I took the quiz.. Artie was General Grevious. I came in tied between R2-D2 and Padme... So I'm posting this one, because it's just cooler.

You scored as R2-D2.



Padme Amidala




Darth Vader


Anakin Skywalker


Obi Wan Kenobi


Mace Windu




Clone Trooper


General Grievous




Emperor Palpatine


Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with

The drive

So, today I drove out to Philadelphia. The drive SUCKED. I got about three hours in, then traffic on 80 just stopped because of fucking construction... even though no one was actually doing any construction. Twice this happened, and both times they closed one lane (first the right, then the left) I being intelligent and courteous and nice and able to read signs, made sure I was in the correct, open lane. However, my lane soon stopped while the other kept moving, since people in front of me had to stop and let the fuckers who drove up the wrong lane back into the flow of traffic. I ended up sitting for over an hour. I was very upset, I don't do sitting in traffic well. It's not something that I often have to do, living on a dirt road and all of that. Then, I finally got off of 80, and onto the turnpike, which is the scariest road ever, and from there I got right into rush hour traffic around the city. So more sitting in the car and not moving. I was pretty upset. And Artie gave me the kind of directions that you give to someone who knows the general area that you're talking about, like me telling someone to take 358 to Sandy Lake, then go out of town past the school and down by the fairgrounds. If you don't live around me, that isn't very informative. So I got rather pissed at him. But he bought back my affection with a Harry Potter t-shirt, a Star Wars wristband, and dinner at Red Lobster.

So, to sum up, I hate driving in traffic, especially by myself, but I love my boyfriend. And shiny things. And food.

I'm working Monday, 1st shift, which I wasn't expecting, and is good. But I have to be at Werner's by 6:30 am. Eeep. And I hear that my job is going to suck huuuuge monkey ass. (According to my father, who would know. But those were not his words. Of course.)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Celebrate the linkyness!

So, I have learned how to make links in my sidebar thingie. Mainly thanks to Grant, though my own genius did come slightly into play. So, yes. If you read this, and you have a blog of your own, I think you probably have a link now. But if you don't, just tell me and I will swiftly rectify the problem. Ha. Links. Like sausage, only better.

Still oot and aboot!

So, last night was many much good times. Grant and I got lost trying to find Paul's house, because it was dark and the Dairy Queen that much of our directions depended on as a landmark hid from us for a good 35 minutes. But we found it eventually, and we got to his house and we hung out in the basement so as not to wake his father. There was much talking and laughing and stuff. We had to tell Paul about our fun car conversations (we devolved from shaking sticks and throwing rocks to shaking rocks and throwing sticks, to shaking long rocks, to long rocks that shake themselves, to whether long rocks that shake themselves are a tool for good or for evil... and only after that did we realize how terribly dirty our conversation was). Then we watched the first two episodes of a new series that Paul got on DVD, which was quite enjoyable. Then we got back into the car. I pretty much quasi-slept (I was very tired) on the way back. Then we got here and I went to sleep again on the couch. I woke up around 9:00. By which time Paul had to be a work... Poor Paul. But I think he had fun, so I don't feel too badly about keeping him up till almost 3 am. ^_^ Anyway, I'm off to go be social and eat my lovely breakfast. (Mmmmm... toast)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Visiting Jamie!!

Sooo, I'm in Pittsburgh, staying with Grant and Wendy. I drove here by myself, and therefore got lost. But Grant got me to his house safely, and I managed to navigate downtown Pittsburgh without hitting any pedestrians. Go me. Now, we're heading to Paul's house to hang out. I'm excited! Like I said, I miss having friends around. ^_^

Ooh, and we went to go see Madagascar and it was good. And Grant and Wendy spoil me when I visit, so I'm sure I'll be back. The drive isn't bad if I can manage to figure out all the ramp connection things.

Tomorrow, I'm heading back home, then on Friday I'm off to Philly by myself! Wish me luck--I'll need it not to get lost again.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Lifeguarding sucks.

Vacationland is job hell. Seriously. They never tell me when I have to work until the very last minute, my breaks are short and random and never when I do really have to pee, the children are annoying, the parents are worse, my bosses are idiots and they tend to contradict each other, and apparently I am not allowed to listen to music on the weekends. I HATE LIEFGUARDING IN THE SUMMER TIME!! AHAAAAAAAAH!!!! *throws rocks at both Bitch Queen Deb and Bitch Princess Deb*

Yes... both of my bosses are named Deb. That's not confusing at all. Werner's is looking better all of the time.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Werner's, here I come... with reservations

So, I have a decent summer job, finally. I'll at least be making decent money. Working in a factory on off shifts... It'll be dangerous and hard. *sigh* I'll be sure to keep my fingers away from things that I shouldn't be putting my fingers in.

Summer is both going well, and sucking. I miss Bradford, of all of the silly things. I wish summer was just over, and I had all of the money that I'll earn working safely in my bank account. But that's not going to happen. Well, I'm off to bed, I have to go lifeguard tomorrow. Woot.