Saturday, June 11, 2005

So, Artie is outside chasing a stray kitten...

And he has been for like an hour now. I've caught up on Something Positive, so I figured I would post and then try to go to sleep. I have to be up early to drive home tomorrow. Then I have to get to bed early tomorrow because I have to be at work at 6:30 am. I didn't expect to work days, so I'm kinda happy about that. But it is still painfully early. Then, after work, I'm meeting Suzanne in Franklin for dinner, which I'm looking forward to. Though I am not sure where exactly in Franklin we are meeting. And I really don't know my way around, so hopefully it's somewhere very big and obvious, or else with arrows. I'm good with arrows.

I still don't have sound on my computer, and I'm pretty much giving up hope of ever having sound on it ever again. Artie promised that he would get it fixed, however he's currently occupied with mission kidnap kitten. They are apparently taking the thing to a shelter. Which is good, I guess.

Today was a good day, though I didn't really do much. Artie and I went roller blading, but my right roller blade broke, so I ended up getting a blister on the bottom of my foot from it, and it was way too hot and humid for me to enjoy being outside. Ugh, I hate humidity sooo much.

Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll have happy wonderful dreams about unicorns and rainbows.

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