Thursday, June 09, 2005

Still oot and aboot!

So, last night was many much good times. Grant and I got lost trying to find Paul's house, because it was dark and the Dairy Queen that much of our directions depended on as a landmark hid from us for a good 35 minutes. But we found it eventually, and we got to his house and we hung out in the basement so as not to wake his father. There was much talking and laughing and stuff. We had to tell Paul about our fun car conversations (we devolved from shaking sticks and throwing rocks to shaking rocks and throwing sticks, to shaking long rocks, to long rocks that shake themselves, to whether long rocks that shake themselves are a tool for good or for evil... and only after that did we realize how terribly dirty our conversation was). Then we watched the first two episodes of a new series that Paul got on DVD, which was quite enjoyable. Then we got back into the car. I pretty much quasi-slept (I was very tired) on the way back. Then we got here and I went to sleep again on the couch. I woke up around 9:00. By which time Paul had to be a work... Poor Paul. But I think he had fun, so I don't feel too badly about keeping him up till almost 3 am. ^_^ Anyway, I'm off to go be social and eat my lovely breakfast. (Mmmmm... toast)

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