Monday, November 15, 2004


So, I'm done with my poetry paper. It's onto the fifth page. I need to double its length. I have to talk to Helen about it tomorrow. Because I have nowhere left to go.

I've not posted in a while, so I'll do my fun flashback thing. Saturday, we went to Jeff and Suzanne's wedding reception. I drove with Hilary and Josh. We got there pretty much without serious problem. We did take a wrong turn and tour bumfuck Tiduote (or however you spell it) but we got back on track and even got there early. Paul, Vita, and Adam didn't show up till about an hour later.. We thought that they were lost forever, for sure. I missed the Baily's Beads thing because we stayed at the party, because it was a wedding reception and it was fun, and we wanted to be there for our friends. Josh navigated us back on route 666, just for fun. Satan's highway is great. It's twisty and full of lots of dips and cracks. I almost got air a couple of times.

Then, after we got back, I went to see The Incredibles with Artie, Hilary, Josh, and Adam. It was a cute movie. ^_^ Then, much later, Artie and I officially hooked up, so I've got a boyfriend now... Woot! ^_^

Sunday I watched the Steelers beat the Browns, 24-10, then went to Olean with Hilary, Josh, and Ben. We stopped at K-Mart on the way, since it was closing, and I picked up a sweet new poster and some air fresheners for the area around the trash can. Then we went to Wendy's and got frosties. Frosties are awesome. And apparently Ben has put in tons of hours at Wendy's, so if you ever have questions about its inner workings, go to him.

Artie brought his NES over, and I've been sucking at Duck Hunt, but it's as much fun as I remember... (though I used to be much better at it.. back in the day..) I made a basket today, and my tarot cards came in.. game will be late tonight because Paul and Adam have a dress rehersal. But that's not tooo bad, because British literature for tomorrow is cancelled. Of cousre, I still need to write a story response for Fiction, and read all of the stuff for Feature, and I have to present my unfinished paper in Poetry. I don't know why I have to be fucking first... grrrr!

So, overall.. I'm good. ^_~

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