Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sorry about the lack of updates...

So, I've been crazy busy lately. You know, with the shiny new boyfriend, updating gets put on the back burner. But I have a few idle hours ahead of me, working from 4-9, and I doubt that we'll get very busy.

I got my poetry paper turned in today, and tomorrow is the beginning of Thanksgiving break. Should be fun, family time and playing xbox and spending time with my friends. Betsy and I are going to Grove City tomorrow. I'm excited. ^_^

We had Adam's birthday party the other night, finally. That was fun. But then later there was that whole thing with the cops and that was just unpleasant and I don't want to think back on it. It just upsets me.

In my game last week they fought werewolves. That was fun. We finally played Mage again this weekend, which kicked ass. I've got a character concept for Jeff's game after break, I am hoping to get her drawn up this evening while I hang out with Adam, Josh, and Artie and we watch Red Dwarf and finish off any left over food we have lying about the place.

I don't know what my family is doing for Thanksgiving. I would like to go to Dan and Margie's, because I always have a good time when we do. But I guess Margie's father is really sick, and Mom hadn't heard anything about getting together the last time I asked about it. So it'll probably be just the five of us, maybe Aunt Anne and Uncle Larry, but probably just me, Matt, Ian, Mom, and Dad. Which isn't a bad thing. Aunt Vicky and Grandma are going to have their celebration at Aunt Vicky's house, it's kinda a tradition for them, which is nice but I wish I could see them.

I haven't talked to Jay in forever, I don't know if he's going to be home or not.

I'm reading Harry Potter again, Paul lent me the first two books, when I get done posting I'm going to re-submerge myself in Chamber of Secrets.

I'm really jumping all over the place in this post.

The last time I posted was a week ago yesterday. That's a lot of time to cover, and I really don't remember what happened around it. I went to the play three times this weekend, it was good, Artie brought me dinner at the pool one night last week, and that was really nice, we went out for pie and tea one night after I went to the play. Warm pecan pie with ice cream.. was totally the best thing I've eaten in a looong time. hehe.. I have a boyfriend who takes me out and actually can drive to do so... *pleased*

So, it'll be a while till I update again, unless I decide to deal with the insanely slow internet at home and post there. I might, if I'm really bored. Who knows.

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