Friday, November 12, 2004

Working girl

So, today I'm subbing for Elisha at work because she subbed for me last night. I had a headache all day yesterday, and I wanted to take a nap instead of coming to work. The napping was nice, I had crazy dreams, and Artie came over and that was nice, too. He took me out for lunch today, too.

Last night, we played Eberon D&D instead of gurps because Adam skipped out on us to go see a movie with some dude named Jim. We played till 2:30. The last encounter was crazy, we just stood back and shot at these zombie giants in a pit. My character, who is crazy sweet, makes cool magic items. I made myself a cloak of resistance +1. Is awesome.

Wednesday night, I ran my D&D, it was rather short... Nothing else of much note.

Tonight starts the Baily's Beads cover photo contest, tomorrow it ends, and I have a wedding reception to go to so there will be much craziness and driving and running about. And I have yet to start my poetry paper. *sigh*

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