Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I went to Italy, it was great. I went to Venice, Florence, Pisa, Assisi, Pompei, and Rome. I stood under the two largest domes in the world in the same day, and I got to see the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel. I bought shoes in Florence. I rode a gondolla in Venice. I drank lots of Italian wine and ate lots of gellati. It was a great vacation.

I'm back home now, I have a lifeguarding job, but I hate lifeguarding during the summer, so I'm hoping to find other employment. I have an interview at Werner's on Friday. I never thought that I would be hoping to get a job at Werner's, but... It can't be much worse than lifeguarding, and it's more money and more hours. I miss school. *sigh* There's something else I didn't think I would ever be saying, but it's true. I miss my friends and having people do do things with all of the times, and I miss Artie. I miss gaming, fuck, I even miss classes. So, hopefully I get a job a Werner's, and I work and eat and sleep, and the summer will fly by.

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