Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Adventure and mishap at Lake Wilhelm

I went roller blading today. By myself, since Eliza doesn't have roller blades yet. I'm actually seeing improvement in my rollerblading skills. The bike trail around the lake is very hilly, and I actually gathered up the nerve to go down one of the really big hills near where I parked. It was awesome. Like a rollercoaster. The weather was pretty crappy—it snowed on my while I was out. I also fell for the first time ever trying to climb back up one of the hills. It wasn't a bad fall. And I got up and continued to walk sideways up the hill. I felt like a crab. And I'm sure I looked retarded. But it was fun. I am glad I went, even with the falling and the snow and the looks that people gave me.

I also watched Troy today. It was pretty good. It was a bit long, and my attention wandered, but it wasn't like the movie was slow or anything, I think it was just that I knew the story.

I applied for four jobs yesterday. I did not get any phone calls about them today. *sigh* I also got my blood drawn for my study thing and got paid $30. I love selling my body to science.

I'm sore from kung fu yesterday, and I have some nice bruises on my arms. I am soon off to get a long hot shower and try to soak some of the pain away. And Ian is finally out of the bathroom, so off I go. Hope everyone's summer is going well, and congratulations to Jillian for graduating!!! Woot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jamie!