Tuesday, January 18, 2005

It's January.

So, I haven't posted in over a month, but I'm pretty sure the only one who noticed was Jillian. Not much is really new. I have to go to bed earlier this semester because I have grammer at 8 am on M-W-F. After grammer, Adam and I have been going to work out, which is fun. I'm running a Dragonlance D&D game. I have to do lots and lots of writing this semester, with both novel writing and capstone to write for.

Also on the newspaper staff, which sucks. At least I'm the photographer, so I get to take pictures and only write one story every two weeks instead of one every week. My first story is about open rushes. Which is the last possible story idea I would have chosen. Could I care any less about open rush??? FUCK NO! Ugh. And I have to go to the fricking club night tonight and take pictures. I will probably stop at the sorority tables and talk to them about it. Which I really don't want to do. I don't like talking to people. Grrr.


A Magical Legacy: A Sims 3 Supernatural Legacy Challenge said...

I noticed that you hadn't updated, I just wasn't going to complain about it like I do to Paul, because it's more fun to bitch at Paul. It's no fun at all to bitch at you. Cuz I like you :)

Jamie said...

*blush* Awww... thanks! ^_^

Anonymous said...


I noticed as well. ^_^