Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Fuck sororites.

So, my first source assignment is to write an article about open rush. Which sucks. It would have been the very last thing I would have picked. Very last. I would rather write about rabid tree sloths. On crack. (And it could be either me or the sloths on crack. It doesn't matter which.)

So, I went to club night to talk to the sororites. Where they were not too bad, a bit annoying and I had to be social and I was generally pissy. But pretentious boy (some guy on the editorial staff) had to break in and give me advise on who else to talk to while I was in the middle of a conversation. I was a touch pissed. I mean how rude is that? The fucker. Plus, even though I hate that class with a flaming passion, I was still out doing the fucking thing the first night that I had it. So anyone who has anything negative to say about my work ethic can spin on it counterclockwise and sideways.

Then, I went home, hung out for a while, then went to bed. Then, in the middle of the fucking night, the lambda's invaded our house and came into my room. I woke up while they were outside my room, and then they opened my door. I sat up and screamed at them to get out. I didn't really know what I was doing, I was still mostly asleep. If they had come in any farther, I think I would have jumped up and attacked them. Luckily, they ran away. Stupid bitches. I couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour. And I had grammer this morning. I was pissed.

Well, I must go watch my swimmer. (Dr. Thomas)

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