Friday, December 10, 2004

Finally, an update!

Sorry it's been so long, but every time I try to update my stupid account refused to let me.

Anyway.... new things. I have no idea. I don't even remember when I posted last.

Right now, I'm working for Elisha, she worked for me last night because the Dickens Dinner was last night and I had to go. Ferris Bueler's (I know I probably spelled that wrong) Day Off is on, so I'm watching that and reading Harry Potter during the commercials. Elisha should be here any minute so I can leave... but who knows. Artie and I went to the Mexican restaurant in town for lunch, tomorrow we're going to Pittsburgh, then to my house. Coming home on Sunday, stopping in Meadville to see Betsy and Matt.

I'm done with News Writing and Poetry, still have a paper and a final for British Literature, portfolios in Fiction and Feature writing, and Paul and I missed the tour for Baily's Beads, so I drove to Salamanca this morning for no reason, but at least now we know where the place is.

Things have been pretty much normal, a touch more stressful this week because it was the last week of classes, I haven't run my game in the past two weeks because I haven't had time to stat. I'm almost to the point of being tired all of the time. Last night, I tried to get to bed early, but every time I was almost asleep someone woke me. I want to go home and nap or work on my writing.. but no. Still no Elisha. She was supposed to be here at 4:00!!! *sigh*

I... have nothing else to say. I want the semester to be over. I'm doing well, I guess. Artie is great. It's almost break. Harry Potter rocks.


Anonymous said...

bite me

Anonymous said...

bite me

Jamie said...

*bite* Now, go away. I don't want you bleeding on my carpet.