Thursday, December 02, 2004


So, work is incredibly boring tonight. This week has gone by really fast. I've been really busy with schoolwork, it hasn't been pretty. The feature writing thing I wrote this week is just horrible crap. And I'm stuck on my fiction writing pieces.

We havn't gamed all week, but we're going to play gurps tonight. But I have to be late, because Nikki is coming back to finish my hair. She highlighted and cut it yesterday. It was kinda funny, she didn't get done cutting it before I had to come to work, so she gave me my haircut here. Everyone seems to like the new hair, except for Paul, and I'm not sure if that is because he doesn't like it or because he thinks that he has to say bad things to balence out all of the good things that other people are saying.

Before work, I went to McDonalds with Artie, Hilary, Josh, and Adam. We got our food to go, and then Artie and I came back here to eat.

Not much else is new. The rest of my break was a lot like the beginning, a lot of sitting around and reading and housework. I did make cookies and a pie to bring back here, but that's about it. My drive back on Monday was uneventful, other than it took me about half an hour less than it should have, and I wasn't even driving that fast, which was cool.

Yesterday we went to a comedy act in the commons. It was a decent time. Tuesday, we rented Saved, which was really funny, I certainly enjoyed it.

And that is really all I have.

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