Thursday, November 25, 2004


I couldn't sleep last night. I played kotor till half twelve, then went to bed and didn't get to sleep till three at the earliest. Mom woke me up for breakfast this morning. I played some piano. Dad and Ian have been on the xbox all day, I'm bored out of my skull. I wrote some checks, paid some bills, finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, talked to Aunt Vicky and Bev on the phone, signed up for the kodak online picture thing, ordered my 10 free prints, which probably won't get here till just after I leave, and now I'm posting. Hopefully Ian will get sick of sucking at his game and let me play soon. Probably just in time for dinner, knowing my luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the morring of the 15th i got into it with my older brother and the bastard called the cops i left but what a way to spend thanksgiving