Saturday, October 02, 2004

And my point is..?

So, I feel pretty useless at life at the moment. Like if I suddenly did actually fade completely out of existance, nothing at all would be affected in the slightest bit. I don't really fill any necessary roles. Like, if my friends' lives were soap operas, I would be the extra friend who eventually gets killed in some strange twist that no one saw coming.

Add to that the fact that I'm tired all of the time lately, along with the fact that I keep having random pains in odd places that I can't explain, and I keep getting all depressed and moody for no reason, and I'm just generally unpleasant. I'm sorry to everyone who is putting up with me, and I'm grateful that you still do. I'm working on getting over this stupid angst/emotional/retarded phase, so hopefully things will get better.

Didn't do much today, played Vampire and even my character was generally useless. But tomorrow I'm going on a nice adventure with Elisha to hopefully see Betsy, Jay, and my family. It should be a good time. Then back in time for Mage, which is exciting. ^_^

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