Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Blood, sweat, and tears

Soooo... My day at work. I didn't sleep well or much last night, I blame today mostly on that fact. At the end of work yesterday, I forgot to go production off andrecord how many pieces that I had made. It wasn't a big deal, but I had to get it fixed this morning. Then, while I was doing that, this asshole that I work with named Chris Carr stopped me and told me that the things that I had been working on for the last two days were almost all done incorrectly. Now, Chris Carr is a compulsive liar, I think. And so I didn't even really believe him that much. But I got very upset anyway. I was trying to keep myself from crying over it, I didn't want to let Chris fucking Carr make me cry. I had almost gotten myself back in hand when Rich, the guy who trained me, and who is very nice, came over to see what was wrong, so I had to tell him, and I of course started crying. I felt like a fifteen year old girl whose boyfriend had just called her fat. I kept telling myself to stop being such a pathetic bint and pull myself together, but I just couldn't, I'm not sure why. Then, when I finally had pretty much gotten over it again, the substitute foreman, Lisa, comes over and tells me not to pay attention to such things and that I'm doing a great job. All the while, I'm sitting waiting for an inspector, so I have nothing to do. Then, Charlie, Lisa's boss shows up and tells me pretty much what Lisa did. By this point, I'm assuming that everyone in the entire fucking factory knows all about the incident, and I want to curl up into a tiny ashamed ball. The inspector finally shows up, okays my rail, and I start working. And man, did that suck. I am punching this really heavy, 10 foot long rail and the rate on it is humanly impossible to make. I'm very tired, it was a very long, hot, hard day.

And really, the moral of the story is that I need more sleep.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to post my favorite Werner's quote by my dad... "We don't hug at Werner's." That is all.

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