Thursday, April 28, 2005

going home...

So, I figured I should get one good post in before I go home for the summer. Tuesday was my birthday, and it was definitely one of the best that I've had. Artie took me out for dinner, and then everyone got drunk that evening... well, not eveyone. Suzanne took me out for a drink at the Option House, then we sat around drinking swrewdrivers made out of my first purchase ever from a state store.

Yesterday, Elisha came down and she and her brother met Savannah and I at the mexican restaurant. Then we again went to the Option House. We played pool. I am still very bad at pool. Then I watched The Bad News Bears with Adam and Artie.

I got cool things for my birthday, too. Mostly gaming books, but I got The Emperor's New Groove and The Last Unicorn (in book form) from Artie. My boyfriend is awesome.

I also had two suprise parties thrown for me this year, by Hilary and by Jessica South. Like I said, it was a good birthday.

Before that, we had the Baily's Beads unveiling, which went well. Everyone liked having pie. I'm a genius. The magazine has some printing errors, but it's still good. And I'm going to be editor next year; I am excited.

Next year should overall be good. I'll be busy, but I'm done with Capstone, and that is supposed to be one of the hardest classes. *cough*

Italy in right around ten days. I'm excited.

Artie just reformatted my computer, so it should run nicely this summer. It will shut down again. That is a very good thing.

I have two finals tomorrow. Bla. But all of my portfolios are done and handed in, all I really need to do is show up for the grammar final tomorrow at eight fucking am and study for my Thomas final. Then I get in my car and drive home. Then I'm home and with my family, and that will be nice. I'm going to Sharon with Eliza on Saturday to look for a bridesmaid's dress. Then I have to look for a job. I need money to go to Greece next year!

Well, that's pretty much all I've got right now. I'll try to post over the summer, beause I won't be online much to chat. But if you really want to talk to me, just email me!!

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