Monday, November 08, 2004


So, my D&D game went pretty well on Wednesday, then Thursday was remarkably long, and we played GURPS, and Friday was uneventful till we ended Vampire by getting blowed up then I came back home and hung out with Eric, Jeremy, Artie, Savannah, and Elisha. Was up till 6 am. Saturday, watched Gundam Wing with Ben and Adam then today I went caving, and it was fun. It actually gave me some fun D&D setting ideas. Tonight, Paul ran Buffy, crazy watcher's council bastards took over my house. But we got to have a girls night, and that was fun.

Tomorrow, I have to write my news writing assingment, and I really should start work on the damn poetry paper. Argh. Homework is bad!

OOh! There is a movie based on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy! It's really bad, made by BBC, but it's great at the same time!!! So, it's on my list of things to finish along with the Gundam Wing series. And also things that Paul will walk into the room and be horrified that we're watching.

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