Thursday, October 07, 2004

"We're like geek lasers. We're glasers!"

Today fucking rocked. It was just good. I got up, went to Baily's Beads, came back here, cleaned my room a bit, went to the bank, Zippo, and Wal-Mart, then came back, finished cleaning my room, went to dinner, went to work, where I got some crocheting and some homework done, then back here, then to play piano with Savannah while she sang.

Then Changeling. Finished it tonight, everyone but Savannah and Vita died, they escaped. Paul went out in a blaze of glory, Adam took about ten shots before he went down. During the battle with the hunters, Savannah stabbed Vita, which was amusing.

Then, I ran a preview for the D&D campaign that I'm starting next week. It went pretty damn well. I just pulled some monsters out of the monster manuel, and there was even some actual role-playing. And all good parties are fun! Paul, Vita, Josh, and Adam managed to take down a CR 6 demon. A Bagua, with damage reduction 10/cold iron or good. The only one who could hurt it was Josh with his mindblade. (Yeah, I have psyionics in my game. And I start them with an automatic 18, they reroll anything under 10, and we're using action points and percentile attack bonuses and saves. I'm the nicest DM ever.)

Well, I've got homework and no time for sleep, so I'll wrap this up and get started. Today was just so fun! And my room is clean! Woot!


Jamie said...

Yeah, yeah.. You are correct, as always. But give me a break, I was really exhausted when I wrote this.

Jamie said...

I know, I know... *sigh* The spelling is just not my thing.